Words Can Change the World! 

  • The Rhythmic Tale of Imperative vs Declarative Programming 🌐🎩

    The Rhythmic Tale of Imperative vs Declarative Programming 🌐🎩

    Explore the playful contrast between Imperative and Declarative programming, using creative analogies and ReactJS examples. Understand the distinct approaches of each paradigm in crafting effective code.

    3 min read
  • Hydrate Your Redux Store

    Hydrate Your Redux Store

    Delve into the significance of preserving your React JS app state while employing Redux. Uncover the importance of persistence in maintaining seamless application functionality

    5 min read
  • Lambda School Labs Journey

    Lambda School Labs Journey

    October 2019 to graduation's edge, discover the synergy of early programming and Web Development passion. Lambda School's pivotal role in my transformative two-year journey is revealed. Join me in unveiling its impact on my expertise and aspirations.

    6 min read

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